Did you know our Kitchen is a hub of medicinal sources.

Did you know our Kitchen is a hub of medicinal sources

  • Turmeric-  has many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is one of the herbs which must be included in our diets.
  • Aniseed (Sauf)  – it is useful in digestive disorders and chronic dry cough 

  • Ashwagandha – It is a wonderful remedy in diseases of joints, insomnia, anxiety, acute pains and neurological disorders.

  • Black pepper – It improves immunity. It is helpful in improving sluggish digestion

  • Clove – Cloves are full of antioxidants. They help in relieves tooth pains

  • Tulsi (Basil) – In Ayurveda, Tulsi is known as “Mother Medicine of Nature” and “The Queen of Herbs”. Tulsi leaves help improve the individual’s ability to fight against common cold as well as cough. 
  • Licorice  (Mulethi)  – also known as “Sweet wood”, is an effective Ayurvedic herb for cough. Mulethi powder is useful in managing sore throat, cough and excessive production of mucus in the airway.

  • Ginger – helps in relieving nausea and upset stomach along with improving immunity.

  • Aloe Vera – You can use aloe vera to keep your skin clear and hydrated. Aloe Vera has healing properties and helps to improve immunity.

  •  Flax Seeds – it’s a good antioxidant, but also useful in long term constipation, disorder of colon and intestinal inflammation


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