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[W]holistic Health

Simple | Wholistic | Sustainable

[W]holistic health is a no-diet approach to simplify health and give you tools to become the most vibrant version of yourself

Are you …?

As your Health Coach, I will listen carefully and we’ll navigate the world of contradictory nutrition and health advice together to explore what truly works for you.

Meet your Health coach

I am Himani, Singapore-based health coach certified by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition(IIN), NY. 

I will guide you to make step-by-step changes to your food and lifestyle, so you can permanently reach your health goals.I studied a variety of dietary theories and practical Lifestyle coaching methods. With my knowledge, we co-create completely personalized actions based on your goals to move you toward your ideal vision of health within your unique body, lifestyle, preferences and resources.


I help create bio-individual plans that meets clients unique wellness goals that are
sustainable and lifelong


The Consultation program is a personalized, one-on-one program offered by our Health Coach to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. Whether you want to improve your energy levels, manage a chronic health condition, or just feel better in your body, I can help

Meal Planning & Preparations

What comes to your mind when you think of healthy food? If your first thought was a boring salad, I’m here to change that! Learn simple and easy-to-cook recipes, catered to your physical and fitness needs using my expert guidance. With this program, you will learn how to prepare healthy and nutritious meals without compromising on taste.
Meals can be customized as per your requests.

The Skin Glow

Looking to get that skin glow on? Not many would be aware of this, but what you eat plays a huge role in how your skin appears! With a focus on anti oxidant rich & skin friendly foods this program will help you get your glow on within 15 days!

The Travel Light

Holidays are the most amazing time of the year! New locations, new experiences, amazing food from around the world but alas the extra kilos you put on when back home take ages to lose again! With our travel light program you get to enjoy that well- deserved vacay whilst making sure you don’t put on those heartbreaking inches on your hips!Meals can be customized as per your requests.

Group Program

Looking to jumpstart your health and fitness journey? Look no further! The 3R program is designed to help you reset your mind and body, reboot your habits, and revitalize your overall well-being. With a focus on healthy eating, exercise, and mindfulness practices, the 3R program will guide you towards a healthier, happier life using personalized nutrition plans to customized workout routines.

Are you ready to make a lifetime change?

Drawing on my expertise, I work with you to help make a lifestyle changes and choose health-promoting ways that produce real and lasting results.



Age-67 | India

“When having tried all kinds of weight loss programs and not been successful, I decided to take Himani’s guidance. I lost 10kgs and that also with just a few changes in my food pattern. In few months I started seeing drastic change in my body and I felt healthier and happier. Thank you Himani”


Age-42 | Singapore

“You never know what someone is going through until you’ve walked in their shoes…” No one knows this more than Himani – and that is what makes her a great coach! She has an amazing story to share and with her own success in finding her ideal fitness goal, she has a…….”


Age-73 | India

“I was worried about my health from many days. I have multiple conditions – Diabetes, thyroid, blood pressure. I met Himani, she guided me on my health. From food habits to other dietary changes that she made I lost almost 3kgs in a month. I started feeling better. Himani was very helpful….. “

Still curious about how health coaching can help you?

Let’s talk. Schedule an initial consultation with me


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The Joyful Journey to
health and happiness.
An eBook By Himani Kapoor